Living Out
With impeccable timing that demonstrates the sovereign hand of God, today the Living Out website is launched. Head over there and check it out.
What’s it about? Let me let the three founders tell you in their own words.
Living Out is for you if you’re somebody who experiences same sex attraction. We want you to hear different stories from the ones you’re perhaps hearing. We want you to hear that it’s possible to stay loyal to what the Bible says and flourish in life. It’s for you if you are a church leader or member  – we want to equip you to understand and care for the people in your church family who experience same sex attraction. And it’s for the wider world to listen in and find out that there is a different story. Our society thinks the Church is homophobic, thinks the church doesn’t understand homosexuality. The church isn’t homophobic. The church does understand homosexuality and we want to be part of getting that message out to the world around us.
Ed Shaw
Associate Pastor, Emmanuel, Bristol
We decided to set up Living Out because many Christians who are same sex attracted are coming under increasing pressure, sometimes even from people in the leadership of their churches, not to hold to what we believe is the authentic Christian teaching about sex and marriage. We really want to get the message out there that living according to that teaching is healthy, is good and is plausible. It’s really working for us and it is a blessing in our lives rather than being something that is just difficult or painful. So we want to share our stories about that and we want to encourage people to live that way because it’s a good way to live.
Sean Doherty
Lecturer in Ethics at St. Mellitus College in London
The whole issue of homosexuality in our culture is huge. We’ve recently had legislation on gay marriage. It’s a growing issue people are thinking through. It’s a good time for us as Christians to be trying to articulate our beliefs on this issue and to help others understand them.
Sam Allberry
Associate Minister, St. Mary’s Church, Maidenhead
Can I encourage you to explore the amazing stories and resources on the website. You might even spot an appearance from yours truly…
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