Latest from Tanzania

From Inclusive Church

Several times +Peter has gone in and out of the primates’ compound to a room upstairs where conservatives have been huddled. Last time he passed through, Peter was accompanied by a security guard and Mrs. Martyn Minns.

Though the exact agenda is not known to us, it is believed that the afternoon session has begun, and that Peter is not present with his primate colleagues. He was also absent during the noontime celebration of the Eucharist, meeting instead with the conservative group.

The archbishop would not comment to questions asked by the press.

Update: Bishop Martyn Minns appeared from upstairs. He said that “we’ll have something today, I hope” in response to a press request for a comment. So maybe there will be news. Still no sign of +Peter, so it appears that he’s meeting with conservative leaders this afternoon rather than attending the Primates’ Meeting.

Let me try and work out what is happening – ignore the suppositions of the quote (whether Akinola did or didn’t join the Eucharist for which there is yet no proof). The key point is that Akinola has made a move and that he is not even vaguely alone.

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