Muy bella!!

The end of an era has arrived. We had our last antenatal class today; sigh! It was an all day job, filled with discussions on parenting, pain relief and other paraphenalia.. It was a bit weird at the end of the day, since it means the arrival of our Baruch is even more imminent..!!

There were several other exciting things happening today: I went to have our 38 week midwife appointment with Sallie. My fundal height is on track, my blood pressure is as low as ever (never a bad thing, since I can continue to enjoy salty crisps to my delight and not worry too much…!!) and our Baruch is now 2/5 engaged. The best thing I found out was that it’s likely that Baruch is in an anterior position with their back to the front of my belly – this hopefully will influence labour in a good way: the tale goes that with such an arrangement of babe in mum, labour is less painful and shorter… Hmmm, I will let you know the truth of that in due course!! For those who were wondering, no, I did not get on my hands and knees to scrub the kitchen floor; that’s what husbands are for!

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