What the Votes Mean

Simply put, Synod has agreed to let the drafting group move forward with shaping the legislation, subject to amendments and comment being suggested by Synod members. It will then come back to Synod, where a more substantial debate can then take place. If the proposals continu to pass at that point then the proposals will go out to all the Dioceses for debate and comment, before coming back to Synod for a final crucial vote, probably within the next five years.

The numbers voting in favour today (just over two thirds) were pretty close to those in the Summer, indicating that there has been very little shift in the mind of the Synod. However, it’s likely that before the final vote there might be a change of membership of the Synod so nothing can be taken for granted.

It’s also worth considering that since the vote was taken electronically, yet publicly, that means that everybody will know how everybody voted. Will that affect elections to General Synod? Will there be attempts by some to use people’s voting records against them when they attempt to remain as Diocesan representatives? Interesting….

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