What’s Going to Happen at Synod – The Results!

Yes, the great survey that we had this week is over. A massive 55 of you participated in this ground-breaking exercise in harnessing the wisdom of the crowds (or summat). Here are the results.

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Hmmmm… The forecast with the most votes is that Synod will get a vote on the issue and that it will fail. However, look a bit closer and almost 50% of you think that the Convocations will send it back to the Bishops or delay the vote before Synod even gets going.

So, to summarise – the crowd is completely split as to whether the Convocations will stop the motion even getting to Synod. If it does get to Synod, there’s a 60% chance of it failing if it’s put to a vote.

Want to know what I think will happen? The Convocations won’t bat an eyelid over the legislation as amended and will pass it through. There will then be an attempt to adjourn the debate and vote until November so Synod can have a longer time to think and pray about the issues around the Bishop’s amendments. There will however be very strong opposition to delaying the vote anymore and enough people will want to have the final decision made this Synod that the adjournment motion will fail. The vote will then be taken after a long debate and the measure as amended by the Bishops will be narrowly defeated (remember it needs over a two-thirds vote to pass) in one, if not both, House of Laity and Clergy.

You heard it here first.

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