O God of burning cleansing flame: Send the fire! Your blood-bought gift today we claim: Send the fire today! Look down and see this waiting host, And send the promised Holy Ghost; We need another Pentecost! Send the fire today! …
O God of burning cleansing flame: Send the fire! Your blood-bought gift today we claim: Send the fire today! Look down and see this waiting host, And send the promised Holy Ghost; We need another Pentecost! Send the fire today! …
From Changing Attitude. Changing Attitude is also a missionary society. Last Saturday we marched with our banner through central London at the heart of Gay Pride with other Christian groups to communicate the message that God loves ALL and welcomes …
And if she cannot afford a lamb, then she shall take two turtledoves or two pigeons, one for a burnt offering and the other for a sin offering. And the priest shall make atonement for her, and she shall be …
Gayle blogs on how we feel six months on. We were warned when we discovered Zachary’s condition that people would put their foot in it sometimes. People don’t know what to say, they don’t say anything at all, they say …
So, Alan said this: I am pro-marriage, but I fall short if that’s all people know of me. Christians must be pro-people and pro-hearts. If we win all of the political battles in the world and we lose people over …
Perhaps it’s not the hardest word after all? I’m sorry about what happened. I said all along that, when I saw this first, I was horrified, I was shocked and I was very angry indeed. I think the most important …